Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders (RQF)
Qualification Overview and Objective
The qualification is designed for those learners working in, or preparing to work in, any industry that involves the retail sale of alcohol. It is a prerequisite for anyone who wishes to hold a personal licence. Anyone wishing to sell or authorise the sale of alcohol by retail on licensed premises must hold a personal licence.
Key Facts
Credit value: 1
Assessment method: Multiple-choice examination
Guided learning hours (GLH): 8
Total qualification time (TQT): 10
Entry Requirements
This qualification is approved for delivery to learners aged 16 or above. However, a Personal Licence cannot be applied for until the age of 18.
Language Prerequisite
It is advised that learners have a minimum of Level 1 in Literacy or numeracy or equivalent.
Rubicon Training will be required to conduct an assessment to evidence learners are at the required standard prior to them starting the training with us.
ID Requirements
It is the responsibility of Rubicon Training to have systems in place to ensure that the person taking an assessment is indeed the person they are claiming to be.
Rubicon Training are therefore required to ensure that each learner’s identification is checked before they undertake the assessment.
Can I still do this course if I have a criminal record?
There are currently no requirements for training providers to check criminal records.
Having a conviction won’t necessarily affect your application for a Personal Licence, however, applicants must declare any previous conviction as part of the application.
Once learners have completed this qualification, they can then apply to their local authority for their licence. At this stage, you will then be required to submit a DBS to you chosen local authority.
If you are from South Wales, more information can be found below:
Bro Morgannwg – Vale of Glamorgan